Firefighters Unite For 9/11 Truth!
For over two decades, the loss of 343 firefighters on September 11, 2001, has been overshadowed by political agendas. It's time to demand true justice for these heroes!
Join us in advocating for a renewed investigation into the destruction of the World Trade Center towers. Former Congressman Curt Weldon leads the charge for a comprehensive reinvestigation, standing alongside firefighters seeking accountability and transparency.
This week on 9/11 Free Fall, host Andy Steele welcomes retired Captain Raul Angulo and Erik Lawyer, founder of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth. They discuss their mission to rally nationwide support for justice and Weldon’s proposal for a presidential task force.
Erik also highlights the work of Protecting All Protectors Alliance (PAPA) to hold NIST accountable for its findings on the WTC.
Don’t miss this crucial episode! WATCH NOW and stand with us to honor the legacy of the 343 firefighters!